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Eurythoe complanata, Pallas 1766

                                         The Fireworm


By Kurt Sengstock (2012)



Fact Sheet



Identification resources



Local distribution and Habitat


Life History & Behaviour

Defensive response



Feeding (Preference)

Anatomy & Physiology

External Morphology

Internal anatomy and physiology

Evolution & Systematics


Biogeographic Distribution


Conservation & Threats


References & Links


Reference list:

Barnes, Robert D. (1982). Invertebrate Zoology. Philadelphia, PA: Holt-Saunders International. pp. 469–525

Barroso, R., Klautau, M., Sole-Cava, A., Paiva, P (2010) Eurythoe complanata (Polychaeta: Amphinomidae), the ‘cosmopolitan’ fireworm, consists of at least three cryptic species; Marine Biology, 157, p69 – 80

Deheyn, D., Latz, M (2009) Internal and secreted bioluminescence of the marine polychaete Odontosyllis phosphorea (Syllidae); Invertabrate Biology, 128, 1, p31-45

Glasby CJ (2005) Polychaete distribution patterns revisited: an historical explanation. Mar Ecol 26:235–245

Marcano, L., Nusetti, O., Rodriquez-Grau, J., Briceno, J., Vilas, J (1997) Coelomic Fluid Lysozyme Activity Induction in Metal Toxicity the Polychaete Eurythoe complanata as a Biomarker of Heavy; Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicity, 59, p22-28

Mendez, N., Paez-Osuna, F (1998)Trace metals in two populations of the fireworm Eurythoe complanata from Mazatlan Bay: effect of body size on concentrations; Environmental Pollution, 102, 2-3, p279- 285

Muller, M., Berenzen, A., Westheide, W (2003) Experiments on anterior regeneration in Eurythoe complanata(“Polychaeta”, Amphinomidae): reconfiguration of the nervous system and its function for regeneration; Zoomorphology, 122, p95-103

Nusetti, O., Esclapes, M., Salazar, G., Nusetti, S., Pulido, S (2001) Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in the Polychaete Eurythoe complanata (Amphinomidae) Under Short Term Copper Exposure; Bulletin of envrionemental contamination and toxicity, 66, 579-581

Orrhage, L., Muller, M (2005) Morphology of the nervous system of Polychaeta (Annelida); Hydrobiologia, 535/536, 79 – 111

Paiva, P., Barroso, R(2007) Amphinomidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Rocas Atoll, Northeastern Brazil. Arq Mus Nac Rio de Jan; 65:357–362

Pardo, E., Amaral, A (2005) Foraging and Mobility in three species of Aciculata (Annelida; Polycheta); Brazilian Journal of Biology, 66, 4, p1065 - 1075

Ruppert, E., Fox, R., Barnes, R (2004) Invertebrate Zoology; A functional evolutionary approach, Seventh edition

Suadicani, S., Freitas, J., Sawaya, M (1993) Pharmacological evidence for the presence of a beta-adrenoceptor-like agonist in the amphinomid polychaete Eurythoecomplanata; Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 104, 2, p327-332

Wilkens, V., Purschke, G (2009)Pigmented eyes, photoreceptor-like sense organs and central nervous system in the polychaete Scoloplos armiger (Orbiniidae, Annelida) and their phylogenetic importance; Journal of Morphology, v270, 11, p1296 - 1310

